teloppy ~ Real-time telop creation ~


Generate subtitles in real time from voice input and display them on the screen

YEAR 2020

This application displays subtitles of what you are talking about in real time, such as when distributing work.

This will help you to communicate smoothly in situations where the voice quality is poor or you have a video chat with someone who is deaf.

If you use a virtual camera, you can communicate with Zoom while displaying subtitles on your face.

Since you can set the font size, color, background, etc., you can customize and use it for yourself.

In addition to web conferences, you can use it for online lectures such as webinars, and you can also use it to display subtitles during distribution in activities such as YouTuber.

*Internet connection is required to use.


■ How to operate

- Launch the application, and if you allow the microphone, it will automatically read the audio and generate subtitles.

- If you want to use subtitles in English, select English from the menu Langage

- Please resize the subtitle display area by dragging the edge of the application with the mouse

■ Set to be transparent to mouse movements

- Pressing the Esc key (or opening Menu and clicking Untouchable) while teloppy is focused will switch to the fixed mode

- In fixed mode, the mouse focus does not hit and you can operate at the bottom of the screen

- Press Esc again to cancel the mode and enable resizing etc.

■ Setting of font size, etc.

- Click Settings from the menu (or Command+, Control+,) to open the settings screen

- It is possible to adjust the character size etc., so please set according to your environment.

- If the character edge is 0, it turns off


- For MacOS, download the dmg file, right click and open it to install.