

BucketList is a learning project of iOS App during 100 Days of SwiftUI tutorials. Built with SwiftUI, MapKit and LocalAuthentication.


The bacis use flow of this app is

  • User need to use biometric authenication (TouchID/FaceID) to unlock app.
  • User can add thier favorite location by tapping "+" button on the right bottom corner of the layout.
  • User can modify the location name and description by tapping "☆" button of the location.
  • When user modify the location name, this app will show suggested names provided by Wikipedia location API.

Biometric Authenication

Every user data is protected and encrypted by LocalAuthentication framework. Before use this app, user should agree and pass biometric authenication to ensure the privacy will be protected ferfectly.

Adding Location

The map engine of this app is MapKit. For intergration with SwiftUI framework, using MapAnnotation to complete the marker of favorite location spot.

favorite locations will save into document directory of device. the data will never lost unless user delete this app.

Modify Location Name

By tapping location mark "☆", the modify sheet will popup up from bottom. user can modfiy name and description. Below the text field, there is a list showing location suggestions, provided by Wikipedia API.

Source Code and Demo Gif

This project is for iOS 15/Xcode 13. Developed by SwiftUI.